CLEMAR, strengthened
by experience, anchored in quality, always ready for new challenges
Since the 1970s, when it was founded by engineers Carlos Martignago Neto and Carlos Alfredo Clezar and focused on air conditioning, the company has based its work on the pillars of ethics, technique and quality. It is along this path that it has built a legacy of excellence, becoming a benchmark company in all the areas in which it operates.
The initial idea, back in 1970, was to offer something different that the Santa Catarina market didn't yet have, which was room air conditioning. Over the course of the first 25 years, while consolidating its position as a company specializing in air conditioning, the company saw the possibility of working in other areas of engineering and regions of the country.
Our quest to meet customer demands has led Clemar to offer new services, proposing solutions and developing innovative and specific products, as well as customized projects. Today, the company's activities are wide-ranging, with national and international operations in the telecommunications, data center and mission-critical environment, defense and security, energy, oil and gas, industrial and agribusiness sectors standing out.
Believing that the human being is the main resource for raising awareness and for effective and differential practices in improving quality of life, the company seeks the commitment of all its employees in the Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety Policies.
The company has qualified technical staff and adequate infrastructure for project development, management, installation and maintenance in all the segments in which it operates.
National coverage
With its head office located in Florianópolis, CLEMAR has an industrial unit in Palhoça (SC) as well as branches in the main Brazilian states.
Rua Vereador Osvaldo Bittencourt, 276 - Carianos
+55 (48) 3331-3000
GPS: -27.665972, -48.537510
Avenida da Pedra Branca, 184 - Rua E - Quadra 6 - Área 28 - Centro Logístico Cassol - Bairro Pedra Branca
+55 (48) 3279-3700
GPS: -27.621944, -48.671111Av. Santos Dumont, 8011 - Portão - Centro Comercial Espaço 10, Galpão 01
Lauro de Freitas/BA
+55 (71) 3289-7400
GPS: -12.864528, -38.293472Rua Maria Alice de Matos, Galpão 93 - Boa Esperança
+55 (85) 3474-6300
GPS: -3.849934, -38.582950QSE 4, Casa 40 – Taguatinga Sul
+55 (61) 3877-3847
GPS: -15.855120, -48.040832Av. José Moreira Martins Rato, 721, Loja 02 (Ed. Renata),
Bairro de Fátima 29160-790Serra/ES
+55 (27) 3026-8886
GPS: -20.250879, -40.264156Avenida Deputado Último de Carvalho, 1200 - Planalto
Belo Horizonte/MG
+55 (31) 3499-7900
GPS: -19.836111, -43.941389Passagem Paulo Maranhão, 601 - QD 123 - Bairro Levilândia
(postagens: Rua A, Nº 11 - BR 316 Km 8)
67030-070 - Ananindeua/PA
+55 (91) 3255-0656
GPS: -1.368273, -48.380822Rua Hipólito da Costa, 702 Boqueirão - 81650-280
+55 (41) 3213-0900
GPS: -25.49249390, -49.24877750Avenida Bernardo Vieira de Melo, 5632 - Candeias - 54450-020
Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE
+55 (81) 3469-8500
GPS: -8.2045026, -34.91771059Rua Guatemala, 228 - Penha
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
+55 (21) 3977-2300
GPS: -22.8196025, -43.2761029Rua Buarque de Macedo, 611 - São Geraldo - 90230-250
Porto Alegre/RS
+55 (51) 3255-1000
GPS: -30.013333, -51.196944Avenida Celso Garcia, 4409 - Tatuapé
São Paulo/SP
+55 (11) 2810-4900
GPS: -23.535278, -46.57
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Clemar: an innovative company known for its commitment to quality, safety and exceptional customer service.
Certifications and Code of Ethics
Believing that the human being is the main resource for raising awareness and for effective and differential practices in improving the quality of life, CLEMAR pursues Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection Policies.
CLEMAR has an integrated Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the requirements of ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015, ABNT NBR ISO 14001:2015 and ABNT NBR ISO 45001:2018, certified by the TÜV NORD Brasil Avaliações da Qualidade Ltda. certification body, which guarantees quality control when designing projects, purchasing materials and carrying out services.
Attentive to new developments and launches in each sector, it is dedicated to keeping up with technological developments in order to improve its techniques and products, seeking to meet the demands and expectations of the market.
Ethical conduct, aimed at the quality of the services offered, reflects respect for citizens and the responsibility with which the company conducts its actions.